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Unpacking Human Trafficking series
A survey of laws in the United States concerning anti-trafficking signage and training for hotels
Unpacking, Vol. 1
Unpacking, Vol. 2
Unpacking, Vol. 3
Unpacking, Vol. 4
Stamping Out Exploitation in Travel
Benchmarking the travel industry’s progress on fighting human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children
Sex Trafficking Public Conversations Resource Guide
A guide for members of Congress, local governments and advocates that outlines the necessary steps to address sex trafficking when it happens in their communities
From Foster Care To Trafficking
An analysis of contributory factors
No Vacancy For Child Sex Traffickers Impact Report
The efficacy of ECPAT-USA's work to prevent and disrupt the commercial sexual exploitation of children in hotels
Global Report: Offenders On The Move
The Global Interagency Working Group released the “Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse”. The Guidelines, to be known as the “Luxembourg Guidelines”, are an important step in strengthening collaboration to address sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.
Global Study on Sexual Exploitation Of Children In Travel and Tourism: Regional Report North America 2016
This report provides an updated picture of the environment in which SECTT persists in the US and proposes a set of recommendations to improve government, nongovernment and private sector responses to prevent and combat this crime. As such, it will assist in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals related to children’s right to live free from sexual exploitation.
Terminology Guidelines For The Protection of Children From Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
The global Interagency Working Group released the “Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse”. The Guidelines, to be known as the “Luxembourg Guidelines”, are an important step in strengthening collaboration to address sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.
Steps To Safety
This report presents a detailed analysis of existing Safe Harbor Laws. Each law is reviewed within the categories deemed most important to devising an effective statute. This report includes a checklist for Safe Harbor legislation. The checklist was created as a tool to design laws that most thoroughly address the problem of CSE children and promote the end of child sex slavery.
And Boys Too
An ECPAT-USA discussion paper about the lack of recognition of commercial sexual exploitation of boys in the United States. The little notice given to boys primarily identifies them as exploiters, pimps, and buyers of sex, or as active and willing participants in sex work, not as victims of survivors of exploitation.
Guides to online safety
Important and practical information for preventing online exploitation.