Our Programs

Educational Initiatives

Our PACT extends to empowering youth and communities with knowledge and skills to stay safe and advocate against sexual exploitation. PACT’s Education Department facilitates our CSAM Prevention Program as well as our Youth Against Child Trafficking (Y-ACT) Program, a workshop series focused on giving students the tools they need to build healthy relationships and recognize potentially problematic behaviors. 

Trainings for Professionals & Industry Partnerships

We offer training programs for professionals and establish partnerships with key stakeholders in the hospitality and travel industry, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to recognize and respond to signs of trafficking. PACT’s Private Sector Engagement Department engages with businesses to educate them on how human traffickers and child exploiters use their structures to exploit victims, and help them identify, develop and deploy best practices to protect children.

PACT’s Private Sector Engagement Department has created a multitude of resources for different companies, including hospitality, ride-sharing, travel and tourism, healthcare, and more. Companies can do so much to mitigate and end trafficking.

  • Partners in Protection

    Our corporate partnerships help mitigate the risks associated with a crime that affects millions of youth worldwide. By joining us in our fight against trafficking, they have become part of the PACT family of advocates.

  • Train your staff

    No matter what industry you are in, we will work with you and your organization to strategize educational tools and awareness to identify potential victims of trafficking and create protocols for reporting.

  • Join The Code

    When your company signs The Code, a global multi-stakeholder initiative with the mission to create awareness and provide tools, it makes a commitment to do what it can to put an end to the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

The exterior of a legislative building with a domed roof and classical architectural elements like columns and ornate decorations.

Legislative Advocacy

PACT remains committed to advocating for and advancing policies that uplift, strengthen, and support survivors.

Our PACT includes advocating for stronger laws and policies to prevent child sexual exploitation and better protections for survivors. We work with legislators, policymakers, and advocates in all levels of government to shape impactful legislation and promote systemic change.

"Nothing About Us, Without Us"

Policymakers must hear from survivors and lived experience experts about the policies and laws that will affect them. 

To that end, PACT ensures Members of Congress, their staff, and Survivors are sitting at the same table as proposed legislation moves through Congress. Through education and advocacy, survivors and lived-experience experts are changing the landscape of our country's laws.