Vice President at Investment Bank Credit Risk Management, Credit Suisse
Priest in Charge at Church of the Incarnation
Managing Director at United Airlines
CPA, VP, Credit Suisse
United Nations Representative for Childhood Education International
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Legal and Legislative Affairs, Office of Personnel Management
Acting Supreme Court Justice, Suffolk County Supreme Court
IB Consulting LLC
Chairperson of PACT Board, Partner at Sidley Austin, LLP
Real Estate Consultant, The Corcoran Group
VP Marketing at Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI)
Secretary of PACT Board, Head of Government and Community Affairs, Carlson
Vice Chair of PACT Board, Global Social Responsibility, Hard Rock International
Rabbi of Congregation Kol Ami, 1986-2023
Partner at PwC
Site Director, Graduate Medical Education Family Medicine Residency at Northwell Health
Treasurer of PACT Board, Managing Director at Moody’s
Executive Director Global Medical Affairs - Breast and Gynecological Cancers at Merck Oncology
Carol Smolenski
Carolyn Clark
Howard Davidson
Sharon Appelman
Sydney Rose
Zoraida Rodriguez
Jackie Shapiro
Johna Johnson
Karen Weiss