Faith Robles
Faith encountered a young man in Mexico who offered her love and a family. Entranced by his promises, she eventually left with him. However, she soon discovered he was not the person he claimed to be. He took her to New York city in the USA where she was forced into child trafficking. After enduring three and a half years of exploitation, she was subjected to physical abuse and coerced into substance use.
As Faith's 18th birthday approached, she seized a rare chance to escape, making her way to a police station. She was taken to a hospital and connected to a safe house. Yet, her journey to recovery was arduous. As a legal adult, she faced a dearth of resources beyond immediate care. Moreover, being a foreign citizen without documentation, English language skills, or education, she felt her prospects were grim. Nevertheless, her survivor spirit compelled her to persevere, relentlessly seeking her needed support.
With the help of compassionate individuals, Faith gradually pieced together the resources that propelled her toward independence and success. Her path was riddled with challenges, leaving her longing for a single place that could have provided all the transitional aid she desperately required. Dahlia’s Hope aftercare program for survivors of sex trafficking answered Faith's yearning.
Now, Faith stands as a resilient and thriving individual, thanks to the support and guidance she received. Her story highlights the importance of comprehensive and accessible aftercare programs like Dahlia's Hope, empowering survivors like Faith to reclaim their lives and embark on healing and renewal.